Sunday, September 8, 2019

Book Study on Poor Students, Rich Teaching by Eric Jenson

The Goal of A Book Study is:

   Collaboration enriches professional development.
Everyone needs professional growth opportunities.
All professionals want to improve.
All professionals can learn.
All professionals are capable of assuming responsibility for their own professional growth and development.
People need and want information about their performance.
       --taken from Reflective Practice to Improve Schools page 157--

We will study the book: Poor Students, Rich Teaching (revised edition) Seven High-Impact Mindsets for Students From Poverty by Eric Jenson


Poor Students, Rich Teaching (revised edition) Seven High-Impact Mindsets for Students From Poverty by Eric Jenson:
2.  Read the snapshot of what each mindset says.
3.  Select one or two questions to answer after reading the chapters.
4.  Name It and Lock It: Do the application at the end of each section/part.

(You can start reading at any point in the book. Just make sure to identify the section you are commenting about and make sure to read the preface and introduction! Great stuff here!)

Big Idea One: The Relational Mindset Chapters 1-3

The relational mindset says, “We 

are all connected in this life together. 

Always connect first as a person (and an ally) and second as a 


Page 12  of Poor Students, Rich Teaching (revised edition) Seven High-Impact Mindsets for Students From Poverty by Eric Jenson

a.      How can you personalize the learning? Page 15
b.     How can you connect everyone for success? Page 21
c.      How can you show empathy? Page 27

Name It and Lock It …………………page 34
I,________________________am committing to………………………………

Big Idea Two: The Achievement Mindset Chapters 4-6
The achievement mindset says, “I can build student effort, motivation and attitudes to succeed. They are all teachable skills.”  Page 38 of Poor Students, Rich Teaching (revised edition) Seven High-Impact Mindsets for Students From Poverty by Eric Jenson 

a.      How can you create and set gutsy goals? Page 43
b.     When and how can you give fabulous feedback? Page 49
c.      How can you develop and maintain grit? Page 57

Name It and Lock It …………………page 62
I,________________________am committing to……………………………

Big Idea Three: The Positivity Mindset Chapters 7-9
 The positivity mindset says, “I am an optimistic and grateful ally who helps students build a successful narrative of their future.” Page 64 of Poor Students, Rich Teaching (revised edition) Seven High-Impact Mindsets for Students From Poverty by Eric Jenson

a.      How can you model and teach and boost optimism and hope? Page 71
b.     How can you build positive attitudes? Page 79
c.      How do you change the emotional set point? Page 87

Name It and Lock It …………………page 94
I,________________________am committing to………………………………

Big Idea Four: The Rich Classroom Climate Mindset Chapters 10-12

The rich classroom climate mindset says, “I focus on what students need to succeed and build it into the learning and social environment every day.” Page 98 of Poor Students, Rich Teaching (revised edition) Seven High-Impact Mindsets for Students From Poverty by Eric Jenson

a.      How can you engage voice and vision? Page 101
b.     How do you set safe classroom norms? Page 109
c.      How can you foster academic optimism? Page 115

Name It and Lock It …………………page 122
I,________________________am committing to………………………………

Big Idea Five: The Enrichment Mindset Chapters 13-15
The enrichment mindset says, “I 

know brains can change. I can 

grow and change myself first. 

Then, I can build powerful 

cognitive skills in my 


Page 126 of Poor Students, Rich Teaching (revised edition) Seven High-Impact Mindsets for Students From Poverty by Eric Jenson

a.      How do you manage the cognitive load? Page 131
b.     How can you strengthen thinking skills? Page 139
c.      How can you establish and enhance study skills and vocabulary? Page 147

Name It and Lock It …………………page 156
I,________________________am committing to………………………………

Big Idea Six: The Engagement Mindset Chapters 16-18
The engagement mindset says, “I can and will engage with purpose every student, every day, every nine minutes of less guaranteed.” Page 160  of Poor Students, Rich Teaching (revised edition) Seven High-Impact Mindsets for Students From Poverty by Eric Jenson

a.      How can you engage for maintenance and stress? Page 163
b.     How do you engage students for a deeper buy-in? Page 171
c.      What is your plan to engage to build community? Page 179

Name It and Lock It …………………page 184
I,________________________am committing to………………………………

Big Idea Seven: The Graduation Mindset Chapters 19-20

The graduation mindset says, “Focus on what matters. Be an ally to help students graduate college and career ready.”  Page 186 of Poor Students, Rich Teaching (revised edition) Seven High-Impact Mindsets for Students From Poverty by Eric Jenson

a.      Why and how should you support alternative solutions? Page 191
b.     How can you empower and prepare students for college and careers? Page 201

Name It and Lock It …………………page 208
I,________________________am committing to………………………………

Epilogue of Poor Students, Rich Teaching (revised edition) Seven High-Impact Mindsets for Students From Poverty by Eric Jenson
Having Choices page 210
Changing Your Mindsets page 211
Eliciting Change page 212
You are your Mindset page 213

Fill in the following blanks with your name, a mindset, and strategies from this book. Repeat the phrase daily until it’s automatic.

Name It and Lock It …………………page 213 and 214
I,________________________am committing to………………………………