Saturday, October 18, 2008


Reflect on the following statements and comment on each

using Plus/ Delta


First Semester School Year 08-09

Teachers have time available to collaborate with their colleagues.

+ ____________________________ -

Teachers are centrally involved in decision-making about education.

+ ___________________________ -

There is an atmosphere of trust and mutual respect within the school.

+ ____________________________ -

The School Leadership communicates clear expectations to students and parents.

+ ____________________________ -

The School Leadership consistently enforces rules for student conduct.

+ _____________________________ -

Overall, the school leadership in my school is effective.

+ ____________________________ -

Saturday, October 11, 2008


Memo Minutes
Volume Three
October 11, 2008

Passion can be defined as an intense emotion. Some synonyms are excitement, enthusiasm, devotion, vivacity and fanaticism as well as liveliness, vigor and intensity. Great teachers, who are intentional and targeted in their professional process, exemplify the passion needed for educating every child. No child is left behind because the teacher knows what to look for and ask about when making learning fit. The child in turns knows what learning looks like, sounds like and feels like. Great teachers don't look for excuses because they know that excuses are easy to find. However, great teachers seek out truth, which takes passionate effort. As they seek out truth, these teachers change their students' stagnant thoughts into vibrant ideas. They ignite their students' dormant minds into inquisitive brains. With their passion for communicating truth, great teachers open up a world of discovery for children. In short, great teachers create a thirst within children to become passionate about learning.
Petree teachers and staff, you are daily communicating your passion for education to our students. As you continue to remain intentional and intense in teaching the standards, you are beckoning each child to embrace a thirst for a lifetime of learning and inquiry. Your students will read the barometer of your passion and reflect this reading in their response towards your teaching. “They won’t care about how much you know until they know how much you care”.
I believe that you are an incredible group of teachers. You are passionate about what you do and this momentum catapults you in becoming self-determined to not leave any child lacking. You are passionate. You are vibrant. You are devoted. You are enthusiastic. You are vigorous and intense. Your passion is like a fire that ignites into transferable knowledge, which our students will embrace.
Continue to lead passionately in your world. Petree students need you!
Shelia Burlock, Principal

Quote for the minute: "Ramona loved Miss Binney so much she did not want to disappoint her. Not ever. Miss Binney was the nicest teacher in the whole world" Taken from Ramona The Pest by Beverly Cleary.