Saturday, October 18, 2008


Reflect on the following statements and comment on each

using Plus/ Delta


First Semester School Year 08-09

Teachers have time available to collaborate with their colleagues.

+ ____________________________ -

Teachers are centrally involved in decision-making about education.

+ ___________________________ -

There is an atmosphere of trust and mutual respect within the school.

+ ____________________________ -

The School Leadership communicates clear expectations to students and parents.

+ ____________________________ -

The School Leadership consistently enforces rules for student conduct.

+ _____________________________ -

Overall, the school leadership in my school is effective.

+ ____________________________ -


Anonymous said...

I think that the atmosphere at Petree continues to improve every year. No one likes to receive negative comments, but there must be some in order to know what to improve upon. I feel like communication is opening up between the administration and the teachers, and while there is still a lot of meetings ( :) ), I think that they are being utilized correctly in giving out information in a timely and meaningful manner.

-Christina Gordon

Shelia Burlock said...

Thank you for your comments Ms. Gordon. We will continue working hard to effectively service our teachers because we want you to enjoy your work place.