Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Volume Two
September 4, 2008

“Looking ahead and moving forward” is the energized paradigm of thinking we should have as we begin this new school year. We have the most exciting job there is because each school year we have the opportunity to start again. Start Again creating possibilities. Start Again building new relationships with staff, students and parents. Start Again anticipating positive and productive change. Start Again hoping for progress. Start Again with a new attitude to persevere (be finishers); to collaborate (be listeners); to grow
(be learners) and to empower the world around us (be leaders). Education is all about moving forward. Education is all about starting again.
Staff as you move forward this school year, proceed with the expectancy that you will make a difference in the lives of our children. Move forward with intensity and intentionality that your input is a significant and integral part of the whole. We all need one another like the rungs in a ladder, in order to climb and move forward toward increasing the productivity of our school’s learning community. I am thankful to work with such a dedicated staff that realizes the value of each person in making a difference. Let’s continue to move forward this school year, looking ahead and starting afresh as well as knowing that we are positioning ourselves to make a difference.
Shelia Burlock, Principal
Quotes for the Minute:
“Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most
certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas Alva Edison

“We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths." Walt Disney


Willette said...

Mrs. Burlock
Thank you for sharing your school improvement plan and making it accessible via the web. I will work to integrate your goals with those of the Office of Multicultural Education. I look forward to my work with your staff in January and February.
Willette Nash
Office of Multicultural Education
Winston-Salem Forsyth County Schools.

Keretha Shore said...

Going in the 3-5 classes I have seen a calmer, more comtrolled environment this year. I spend most of my day on the 3-4 hall and I see the teachers doing a great job with the students and from what I have seen the curriculum. The new hires are a good fit for Petree and seem to really care about the children.

Shelia Burlock said...

We appreciate the attentiveness of the Multicultural Department toward our school and we especially appreciate your expertise, Willette in aligning the culture of the learner with the content of the curriculum.

Shelia Burlock said...

The Math Lab and the Math Resource teacher are a plus for Petree.
The genuine and effective teaching presented encourages all new teachers to model after.