Saturday, September 13, 2008


for Petree Elementary
2008-2009 School Year
Our School Improvement Plan centers around a three main focus:
High Yield Strategies, Positive Behavior Support (PBS), and Professional Learning Communities (PLC)

As we look forward to this new school year, we will align all staff/professional development and curriculum training/team meetings with this three main focus.
Here are key things to include in our Curriculum team meetings:

  • Book Study or Talks on Marzano books. Choose from Classroom Instruction that Works, Handbook for Classroom Instruction that Works or Building Background Knowledge. The book talks can be conducted during grade level meetings and the book study followed up in Curriculum team meetings.
  • Overview of all Marzano High Yield Strategies will be presented at our beginning year staff retreat. Power-point with short interactive activities and dialog will be used.

  • During Faculty Meetings through out the year we will focus on one high yield strategy in detail each quarter. Therefore four of the strategies will be looked at and practiced in depth. The four strategies are chosen to address the measurable goals set forth in our SIP which reflect our performance on the EOG.

  • Reinforcing effort and providing recognition

  • Setting objectives and providing feedback

These show evidence of student learning. Our teachers need to know when/how our students learn so that they can better differentiate their teaching and become more targeted in their approach.

  • Nonlinguistic Representations

This will help our students acquire and integrate learning.

  • Identifying Similarities and Differences

This will help our students practice, review and apply learning.

  • We will continue the STPT (Structured Teacher Planning Time) when teachers receive data and help teachers work through discussing and analyzing real time data. We will facilitate and present this during our Curriculum Team meetings.

  • We will have at least three extended planning time sessions. We will discuss in our Curriculum Team meetings to decide the best timing of these.

  • During the Team meetings we will also discuss/ train/present/ represent on the following topics: High Yield Strategies, Book Talks, Collaborating, Rigor/Relevance/Relationships, Direct Instruction (elements of good lesson plan design), Blooms Taxonomy, STPT, Extended Planning Time, Principal School Wide Prompts, Triangulation of Data, Data Tracking Sheet, Guided Reading, 4- Column Math, Test Taking Strategies and District Math Framework.

  • Schedules for each teacher on the grade level should align with same blocks of time for teaching the major content areas. Teachers need to select a grade chair. Provide agenda before meeting. Provide minutes on template.

  • PBS and PLC will be ongoing in order to positively influence the culture and climate of our school. The Leadership Team (Principal, AP, Curriculum Coordinator and Guidance Counselor) will keep the main focus of both PBS and PLC when monitoring, collaborating, dialoging, planning, presenting, facilitating, coaching and supporting all staff. Teachers and staff will be empowered to use the components of both the strategic planning of PBS and PLC through professional development, collaboration during staff/faculty/grade level meetings, committees, SIT, SAT and the PTA.

Submitted by Shelia F. Burlock, Principal of Petree Elementary School

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Volume Two
September 4, 2008

“Looking ahead and moving forward” is the energized paradigm of thinking we should have as we begin this new school year. We have the most exciting job there is because each school year we have the opportunity to start again. Start Again creating possibilities. Start Again building new relationships with staff, students and parents. Start Again anticipating positive and productive change. Start Again hoping for progress. Start Again with a new attitude to persevere (be finishers); to collaborate (be listeners); to grow
(be learners) and to empower the world around us (be leaders). Education is all about moving forward. Education is all about starting again.
Staff as you move forward this school year, proceed with the expectancy that you will make a difference in the lives of our children. Move forward with intensity and intentionality that your input is a significant and integral part of the whole. We all need one another like the rungs in a ladder, in order to climb and move forward toward increasing the productivity of our school’s learning community. I am thankful to work with such a dedicated staff that realizes the value of each person in making a difference. Let’s continue to move forward this school year, looking ahead and starting afresh as well as knowing that we are positioning ourselves to make a difference.
Shelia Burlock, Principal
Quotes for the Minute:
“Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most
certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas Alva Edison

“We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths." Walt Disney