Friday, March 25, 2022


Quote for the minute: I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something that I can do. by Helen Keller

 March-April , 2022

What is a Lifesaver?

 This question will come to mind often when you’re working to serve others in any field or sphere of influence. And it’s another way of asking, “What can I do now to make a difference?”

The revival begins with the individual. Do not allow your creative energy and your plethora of ideas to lie dormant beneath a fallow heart. Instead cultivate a rigorous attitude and break through the hard crust of doubt and fear to see what a difference you can make!

Allow your words to ring out with prosody as you help to institute even a ripple of change.

We Are All Needed.  We all can make a difference. There is no room on the side lines.  There is only space on the Team.

So, realize the opportunity you have in materializing a desire for lifelong learning in others. Contemplate and reflect on what you can do now. The revival begins with the individual, and then the reward will come.

by Shelia F. Burlock