Tuesday, December 7, 2021


"Like a Candy Cane, You curve and adjust daily your perspective with patience, And even when you are not looking or are unaware, they watch for your approval."    SHELIA F. BURLOCK


A Principal’s love letter to her teachers. 
Dear AWESOME Teacher- YOU!

I celebrate you for all you do. You are all these famous Educator ABCdescribing words:






HealthorientedHelpfulHilariousHonestHumbleImaginativeIndependentInnovativeInspirationalInspiringIntellectualIntelligentInterpersonalInvolvedJollyJovialJoyfulJoyousKind Knowledge-seekingKnowledgeableLeaderLogicalLoyalMatureMechanicalMethodicalModernModestMotivatedMulti-lingualMusicalNaturalNurturingOrganizedOutgoingPatientPerseveringPersistentPleasantPositiveProfessionalQuirkyRealisticSmartSuccessfulSuperTalentedUnderstandingUniqueVibrantVivaciousWarm eXtraordinarYZealous


From my heart to yours.... A holiday poem for you.

Have a wonderful restful holiday season.

A Candy Cane Poem

By S. Burlock

Like a Candy Cane,

You are beautifully and wondrously adorned with sweet contours of 

A Resilient and Creative Personality.

Like a Candy Cane,

You curve and adjust daily your perspective with patience,

To forever build a learning community for your children.

Like a Candy Cane,

Your students gravitate towards your brilliance and sweetness,

And even when you are not looking or are unaware, they watch for your approval.

Like a Candy Cane,

Your students are excited by the pleasant taste for learning you encourage and reward within them.

Because Like a Candy Cane your presence beautifully and wondrously adorns our school and we would be less without you.

We celebrate you!

Like a Christmas Candy Cane! 

By Shelia F. Burlock

As you relax over this vacation time: Remember that Courtesy and Kindness are hard to give away. They are known to come back home again. MAY YOUR HOME/FAMILY BE FILLED WITH IT.