Sunday, February 11, 2018

BOOK STUDY on Reflective Practice to Improve Schools

Principles for Reflective Practice taken from Reflective Practice to Improve Schools pg 157

·    Everyone needs professional growth opportunities.

·    All professionals want to improve.

·    All professionals can learn.

·    All professionals are capable of assuming responsibility for their own professional growth and development.

·    People need and want information about their performance.

·    Collaboration enriches professional development.
Chapter One: How do I define Reflective Practice? page 8
Chapter Two: What makes Reflective Practice Meaningful? Page 55
Chapter Three: What Question Did I Ask Today? (Individual Reflective Practice) Page 96
Chapter Four: Reflective Practice with Partners; Purpose of? Focus of? Page 110
Chapter Five: Reflective Practice in Small Groups and Teams. What are the Group-Member Roles? The Facilitator? Pages 154-157
Chapter Six: Leadership Shared by Principals and Teachers Page 213-214
Chapter Seven: Theory of Action for Reflective Practice Page 247

Share your insights regarding the existing practice in your school.  What can you do differently or do better?

What questions did you formulate during your reflective readings and dialogue with other colleagues?

You will create an action plan as a result of your reflective readings and dialogue with other colleagues.  Plan for short-term and long-term actions.

Always include in your action plan either of the following:
  • ESSENTIAL STANDARDS (discussion of goals or objectives)
  • BEST PRACTICE  (application of or discussion of strategies or any new innovations)
  • CLASSROOM INSTRUCTION (discussions of implementation/style of teaching and how student learning is impacted)
  • USING DATA TO INFORM INSTRUCTION (discussion on how assessments drive your instructional practice)
  • INTERVENTIONS (discussion on specific interventions or accommodations for grade level, advanced and struggling learners)

What is your Action Plan?
Add your comments and insights from each chapter as you read and dialogue with other colleagues.