Saturday, August 13, 2011

Welcome Back Letter from the Principal

MEMO MINUTES August 13, 2011
Welcome Back Frances Slocum Family!

Welcome to an exciting new 2011-2012 school year! Get ready, set and motivated to begin afresh. READY, SET, GO. However, before we set off, let us remember all our R’s again.
Relax. Rest. Reflect. Rejuvenate. Rejoin.
Relaxing is a process. It involves a procedure for winding down—like a spinning top coming to a slow pace and finally resting. Resting is the outcome of relaxing. Resting is being still—still in mind, body and spirit. Still enough to listen. We must be still to listen to the quiet voice within and without. We must listen enough to reflect. Reflecting is responding to all the upheaval of busyness. Reflecting is responding to the quiet voice within and without. Reflecting is needed in order to evaluate, to grow and to respond. How should we respond? The answer is: Responding in rejuvenation! Rejuvenate in order to not procrastinate. Rejuvenation is needed to spark new life into education. When we are rejuvenated, we are ready to Rejoin. We rejoin back together in strengthening our school culture in order to maintain a community of collaboration and care, where everyone has a sense of belonging thereby creating an atmosphere of synergy and valuing the differences of others. We do this in order to improve the quality of learning at our school and to advance student achievement. Everyone is valued, meaning the students, parents, teachers, staff, administrators, and all in the community at large who have an interest in the education of our students. This is my leadership vision for Frances Slocum Elementary!
So Relax, Rest, Reflect, Rejuvenate, and come back to Rejoin. Ready, Set, Go!
Mrs. Shelia Burlock

Quote for the minute: “Changing who you are now to who you think you ought to be is the decision to write a new story about your life”. Taken from the book, Leading Change in Your World by Smith and Lindsay.