Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Making a new story with the best kind of Teacher Evaluation

The best kind of teacher evaluation is looking at a teacher holistically from all angles. In other words taking a 360 degree look. A teacher should not be evaluated by the administrator from just a one-sided perspective. First the administrator should get to know the teacher as a person and then the evaluation should be something not to penalize the teacher but to promote the teacher or prompt the teacher toward growth. This leads to the value of the teacher's own self-reflection of his/her teaching practice. The administrator should consider how the teacher views his/her own performance and what questions the teacher raises to promote individual growth. The other part of the 360 degree evaluation should also involve how the students, parents and other colleagues see the teacher's effectiveness. The teacher evaluation should be a living, evolving process which is a shared discovery of the teacher's performance by the teacher and the administrator. The ultimate goal should always be the end product which is improved student performance because every good teacher knows that as he/she grows the student grows.

Quote for the minute: “Changing who you are now to who you think you ought to be is the decision to write a new story about your life.” Taken from the book, Leading Change in Your World by Smith and Lindsay.

Saturday, June 26, 2010



COURAGE is creativity and confidence unleashed upon new situations, bringing about a new self-awareness of inner strength. Oftentimes the circumstances may be scary and challenging but when courage is unleashed, it is rewarding! When courage is unleashed, it may confound others who wonder at how well one is coping with sudden occurrences.

Astound them!

When courage is unleashed, it may appear to others that one is crazy.

Amuse them!

When courage is unleashed, one will be identified as someone who takes risks.

Amaze them!
As educators, we are courageous. We are risk takers. We constantly try new ways to help students achieve. As educators we take risks daily as we build relationships with students as well as with parents. We take risks as we creatively and confidently look for ways to astound, amuse and amaze students about learning. When we take risks, we sometimes feel as if we are going out on a limb and we wonder who is going to catch us if we fall. My encouragement to us today is to LEAP AND THE NET WILL APPEAR.

Have courage. Have courage to always move forward to evolve; to resolve; to transcend heights; move barriers and accomplish what we know in our hearts to be true----that as educators we are the motivation of the learner. We motivate a thirst in learners to learn as we astound, amuse and amaze them. So we should always take that Leap to Teach in season and out of season because the net of accomplishment will always be there. As educators we must continue to act with courage, fidelity, patience and excellence in our job performance. Experience the inner strength. HAVE COURAGE UNLEASHED. Shelia Burlock, educator

Quote for the minute: "What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything?"-------Vincent van Gogh

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Running with the Goal in Sight

Volume Three, January 2010
Each day we begin a new chapter in our lives and we have the choice to decide how we want to handle change. No two days are the same. We can choose to cultivate passion or mediocrity. We can choose to cultivate resiliency or complacency. We can choose to be hemmed in by obstacles or we can choose to seek out opportunities. Nonetheless, it all depends on how we set our sight on the goal. Running with the goal in sight makes the accomplishment seem that much nearer. It makes the goal a reality because we can see it, hear it, touch it and taste it. When we visualize the goal, we become formidable in our intensity to conquer the odds. Staff our goal for Petree is to raise our student achievement by increasing the rigor of our learning community. This task is obtainable. We are presently centralizing the fortitude of our combined vision; of our creative ideas; of our professional and personal development; and of our district support in order to make this happen. Let’s run with our goal in sight. It is obtainable. It is near. It will happen.
Principal: Shelia F. Burlock

Quote for the minute: “Changing who you are now to who you think you ought to be is the decision to write a new story about your life”. Taken from the book,
Leading Change in Your World
by Smith and Lindsay.